Returns Policy
You may return most new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a refund minus a 20% restocking fee.
Orders up to $50 = $18.00 flat rate shipping
Orders $50.01-$1500 = $29.00 flat rate shipping
Orders $1501 and up Free Shipping (within the continental US)
Terms and Conditions | Privacy Policy
The following describes the terms of use which you may access and use and By accessing any of the websites you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of these terms of use. If you do not agree with the terms set out in these terms of use please do not access or use the websites.
Faux Design Studio and Paint and Design Store may amend these Terms of Use at any time by posting a new Terms of Use in place of this one. We will post a notice that the Terms of Use has been amended on its main website located at The amended Terms of Use shall automatically be effective when posted. Your continued use of our websites following the posting of the amended Terms of Use and notice shall mean that you accept and the revised agreement. If you do not agree with the amended terms, please do not use the website.
Faux Design Studio has the right to suspend or terminate your current and future access and use of our websites in the event Faux Design Studios reasonably believes that you are conducting yourself or providing information in a manner which is in breach of these terms.
Submit any information, content or link to any content, information which is obscene, uses profanity of any kind.
Use Faux Design Studios websites to mislead commit any dishonest act, act of fraud which infringes any third party rights.
Use any images, photography images, and graphics with claim as your own work.
Submit any information or link to any material which is harmful or potentially harmful which places the integrity or security of any computer system at risk or distribute any virus'.
Contents and Linking
The material that appears on this Web site is for general informational purposes only. While we try to ensure that any information we post to this site is both timely and accurate, errors may appear occasionally. This Web site is usually not updated daily, and certain information may not be the most current information available. Though we may post follow-up information and reports, and may continue to provide access to the original information and reports, as in an archive of news stories, for example, we don't go back and change the original report to reflect new developments. If you're looking for the most recent information on a given subject be sure you're not looking at an out of date report. Before you act on information you've found on our Web site, you should independently confirm any facts that are important to your decision.